52 Postcards Exhibition

“I went up to the gallery, walked in, and was immediately overcome with emotion I’d been to the exhibition before, when it was packed with people. This time I was the only person there, and I felt such a sense of, I don’t know…love? compassion?…almost emanating from the pictures.  But above all, I think, I felt a huge sense of peace. If there had been a chair in there I could have sat and absorbed the atmosphere for ages”.

Jane Simms wrote this perfect piece describing her experience of my exhibition of the 52 Postcards, currently on at the lovely Pyramid Gallery, Stonegate, York.  The work will be up until the 9th March.

It was a wonderful preview, more than I could have dreamed of.  A room full of friends and new acquaintances.  The responses to the work were fascinating to me, and gave me new insights into the pieces.  Many original works have been sold.  If interested in buying a framed original for £70 please send me a message on creativecombi@gmail.com    There are also sets of printed postcards (edition limited to 75 sets) for £20, and booklets with all the images in for £10.  These items can be purchased on my website and all the prices are without postage.  All proceeds will be divided between UNHCR and The Lemon Tree Trust.

I’d like to send special thanks to Fiona MacFarlane at the Pyramid Gallery for her inspired hanging of 52 pictures, each with a different frame.  Terry Brett has been his usual gracious and generous self in accepting the work and promoting the exhibition with such enthusiasm.  Finally a massive thank you to loyal friends who’ve been so supportive over the past year, encouraging me to continue with the work through tricky personal times.  I feel very lucky.