It’s been a hot June and so that influenced my choices of images for the month. First is number 23 in the series, “Dreaming of Wetlands”, showing a contrast of two worlds – wet and dry, and the life giving blessing of water to plant and animal life. The classic Oasis. Number 24 “The Mosque of the Barber” is from a memory of sitting in this Mosque in Tunisia, when we were graciously allowed to sit in the courtyard on wonderful carpets hearing only the sound of birdsong. “A Tree Yearning for Water” is number 25, a rather poignant image – giving the tree ‘a mind’. This is from reading the book “The Island of Disappearing Trees” which enthralled me and taught me so much about trees. “Golden Dream” is the title of a harrowing film we saw about young Central American migrants riding trains North to the USA in very dangerous circumstances. Number 26 has the same name, showing a worker dreaming of the Golden lands North of the USA/Mexico border fence. I hope you enjoy these. There are plans for the exhibition coming together and I’ll have more information in the next couple of months.